Hello, I am Wiltrud,
Born in the Rhineland in Germany, I have moved around a dozen times during my years of teaching and travelling, After living in Bosten/USA, Bonn, Fribourg/CH, Hamburg, Cologne and Berlin, I found my home in the Bergisches Land in 2004, where I returned with my family in September 2024 after a 2-year stay in the East Midlands, UK.
Practice makes perfect
I’ve been involved with organizing and what impact the design of our living and working environment has on our well-being for around 25 years. At first as a single person, when things were still relatively simple and manageable. Then I got married and started a family. And as a mother of three active boys, I sometimes couldn’t keep track of how quickly things came into the house. The schedule also got busier and busier.
In order to organize our family life as harmonious as possible and use my time efficiently, I tried many things over the years. I attended talks, workshops, and seminars at home and abroad, tested new methods and their suitability in our everyday family life.
Since May 2023 I have been a member of the Association of Professional Declutterers and Organizers (APDO), UK. In 2024, I successfully completed training with Karen and Richard Kingston to become a Clutter Clearing Practitioner.
During my time in England, I volunteered with New Leaf Derbyshire. This charity was set up with a lot of dedication to help local people who are disabled for a variety of reasons and to help them make their house a real home.
Today I know what works and what doesn’t. What helps one person can be useless for another. I therefore always look for an individual and customised solution for each of my clients.
Focus on feelings and needs
The method of appreciative / non-violent communication (NVC) according to Marshall B. Rosenberg provides me with valuable resources for that work. I first came into contact with this method more than ten years ago and have been continuing my training ever since. In 2021 I completed a NVC trainer course.
Biography Work
A critical component of my counselling work is biography work. Understanding which topic was important, is important and becomes important in which phase of life opens up completely new perspectives and possibilities. With this understanding, the rooms of one’s own “house of life” can be better equipped and it is easier to decide which things find their place in it and where they belong.